Kategori: Reiki

Marzcia Techau: Your Soul, Your Life

This episode in the podcast series Near Death Experiences and Life Stories celebrates the English release of Marzcia Techau’s book Your Soul, Your Life, a guide to connecting with one’s soul and life energy. Marzcia, a biologist and clairvoyant counsellor, explores the intersection of science and spirituality. She discusses the four planes of existence—physical, mental, emotional, and soul—and their role in healing and personal growth. The episode also delves into epigenetic healing, ancestral traumas, and self-healing practices like Reiki

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Anna Wacker – The Shaman’s Disease

Anna Wacker er Reikihealer af 4. grad, lydhealer med speciale i tibetanske skåle, raw vegan chef og facilitator samt organisator af retreats for kvinder i blandt andet Himalaya. Siden barndommen har Anna haft en åben forbindelse til det åndelige, men det var først efter et langvarigt og smertefuldt sygdomsforløb, at hun fandt modet til fuldt ud at følge sin egen intuition og leve livet med et åbent hjerte.

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