Rachel Goodwin and Ascended Master Sarah

This is the 10th podcast in the series “Nærdødsoplevelser og Livsfortællinger” (Near-death experiences and and Life Stories). It’s in English (once you get past the introduction) and available on YouTube with video and subtitles and on regular podcast platforms (Apple, Spotify etc.).  

Rachel Goodwin is a channel and energy healer, who has been working with Sarah since 2006. Rachel is the author of several books, among them “Sarah’s little book of Healing” (2nd ed. 2020) and “Weaving the Strands of Sarayei” (2022). 

The podcast describes how Rachel became a healer, who Ascended Master Sarah is, and why Sarah is important for our time. Here is breakdown of the podcast structure: 

0:04 – 2:00 Introduction to Rachel Goodwin
1:51 – 11:48 How Rachel became a healer and started channeling
11:48 – 15:54 Introducing Ascended Master Sarah
15:56 – 19:30 Sarah as an archetypal daughter
19.30 – 24:15 In what sense is Sarah real?
24:18 – 30:05 Sarah’s message for the podcast
30:07 – 36:46 The image of weaving 
36:46 – 40:23 Armageddon or birth pains?
40:23 – 45:21 Rachel’s take on organized religion
45:12 – 47:01 Where to find more about Sarah
47.01 – 49:16 Advice to those who find channeling beyond the pale
48:57 – 50:49 A snippet of a poem and winding up the podcast

More on Rachel can be found here: www.rachelgoodwin.dk

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